our vision
Founded in 2015, The Schecter Gallery acts as a ligament between the immense body of knowledge of Judaism, and the expressive power of the arts. The incantatory phrase Abracadabra, which has its roots in Aramaic (אברא כדיברא), is the guiding light of our ongoing artistic interventions; we explore big ideas that unravel and shape the fabric of our lives through art. We strive to amplify the voice of otherness, and serve as a creative platform for artists from all walks of life to thrive and make their visions heard.
The active and intervenient role art plays in the reality of our lives, is foregrounded in the gallery’s activity and program. This core principle is expressed in the gallery’s cultivation of community ties, complemented by its initiation of events, such as lectures, workshops, and artist talks all based around the talmudic methodology of group learning.
Alongside its quarterly exhibition cycle, the gallery hosts a range of interdisciplinary programs for artists that work at the intersection of knowledge, art, and spirit.
Opening Hours:
MON-THU 10AM-2PM - office@neve.org.il
- Shlush/Eilat Station Dan Lines: 40, 41 and 240
Public parking lots nearby:
4 Elifelet St., Hamered St. corner with 65 Yehezkel Koifman St.